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Three Pounds Atop Your Head

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Edge interviews Jonah Lehrer:

The paradox of modern neuroscience is that the one reality you can't describe as it is presently conceived is the only reality we'll ever know, which is the subjective first person view of things. Even if you can find the circuit of cells that gives rise to that, and you can construct a good causal demonstration that you knock out these circuit of cells, and you create a zombie; even if you do that... and I know Dennett could dismantle this argument very, very quickly ... there's still a mystery that persists, and this is the old mind-body problem, but it?"s an old problem for a reason: we don't simply feel like three pounds of meat.

Three Pounds Atop Your Head

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Three Pounds Atop Your Head

[Source: The Daily News]

Three Pounds Atop Your Head

[Source: News Reporter]

posted by 77767 @ 5:15 PM, ,

Bill O'Reilly fantasized, on the air, about getting his hands on Dr. Tillman

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O'Reilly really wanted to get his hands on Tillman. Media Matters found the clip:

Just a figure of speech? Yeah. Wink, wink.

Bill O'Reilly fantasized, on the air, about getting his hands on Dr. Tillman

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Bill O'Reilly fantasized, on the air, about getting his hands on Dr. Tillman

[Source: News Paper]

Bill O'Reilly fantasized, on the air, about getting his hands on Dr. Tillman

[Source: Circulation News]

Bill O'Reilly fantasized, on the air, about getting his hands on Dr. Tillman

[Source: News 4]

Bill O'Reilly fantasized, on the air, about getting his hands on Dr. Tillman

[Source: Cbs News]

posted by 77767 @ 4:40 PM, ,

Gay mayor's illicit love shakes a Texas town

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The small Texan city of San Angelo has been turned upside down by one of the most unusual sex scandals ever to make an impact on American political life.

Joseph Lown, the popular mayor, suddenly resigned last week after revealing he had fallen madly in love with an illegal immigrant. That was the first revelation; the second was that his new partner was another man.

Not surprisingly the news has become the talk of Texas. In the socially conservative and solidly Republican state, gay marriage and illegal immigration are probably the two hottest potatoes in town. Perhaps, then, it was no wonder that Lown announced the end of his career from Mexico, where he had fled to be with his new boyfriend and from where he could mourn the end of an otherwise successful political career.

The news came as a bombshell. Lown, aged only 32, had just won a fourth term with a massive 89% of the vote. He was immensely popular after having worked long hours to fix the city's infrastructure and attending hundreds of community meetings.

But, in a scene of drama that would be hard to top, he sent a text message to a city official hours before a ceremony to swear him back into office. Lown explained he was in Mexico City with the man he loved, and would not be coming back any time soon.

Not surprisingly, some local commentators greeted the news with a degree of hyperbole. "It was, simply put, the most stunning abdication since Edward VIII gave up the British throne for Wallis Simpson in 1936," declared Rick Casey of the Houston Chronicle

It left San Angelo officials bemused. At a hastily called press conference they were at pains to point out that Lown had left not because his partner was a man, but because he was illegal. Lown's decision to resign, they said, had been taken because no mayor could be seen to be aiding and abetting someone who had broken the law. "He hopes that the people of San Angelo will respect his decision," said Ty Meighan, the city council spokesman.

Despite the image of Texas as firmly in the anti-gay bible belt, there is a strong chance of that happening. The demographic nature of Texas has changed in recent years. Houston, Dallas and Austin all boast thriving gay communities. Dallas, in fact, has an image as the "gay cowboy capital" of America.

Lown himself seemed to back the view that his decision to follow his heart had struck a chord with the citizens of San Angelo. In a press conference from Mexico, Lown said he had received hundreds of messages of support. He had already personally replied to more than 300 of them. "I am frankly very touched. Touched deeply by all the support of the people in our city," he said.

Lown explained that he and his unnamed partner would shortly be moving to another city in Mexico. There they would embark on the long process of trying to apply for legal residency for his boyfriend, although he admitted that could take years. He said he wanted to come back to the United States but, in the finest traditions of great love stories, he said that he had to follow his heart and try to make things work with the man he loved.

"I had to give this situation the opportunity or I would regret it the rest of my life," he said. ? Guardian News & Media Limited 2009 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

Gay mayor's illicit love shakes a Texas town

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Gay mayor's illicit love shakes a Texas town

[Source: Sun News]

Gay mayor's illicit love shakes a Texas town

[Source: The Daily News]

Gay mayor's illicit love shakes a Texas town

[Source: News Article]

Gay mayor's illicit love shakes a Texas town

[Source: News Leader]

posted by 77767 @ 4:14 PM, ,

Could Harvard woes leave Ignatieff looking at EI?

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Say you're a Harvard professor and you decide to dabble a bit in politics. You decide to move back to Canada in hopes of becoming prime minister. Shouldn't be that hard. Before you go, you tell the school paper that if things don't work out, you'll probably return to Boston and pick up where you left off.

That would appear to have been Michael Ignatieff's plan, but things might not work out the way he was hoping. Harvard is going through some tough times. According to Boston magazine, its endowment, onces a porcine $37 billion, is down about $11 billion due to some unfortunate investment setbacks. And since it's not making any money, Harvard has to withdraw about $1.4 billion from capital to cover its operating costs, which would normally have been paid for out of profits. Which leaves a relatively paltry $24 billion left in the fund.

Not bad by most standards, but Harvard is used to big-time spending, without worrying much about where the money comes from. (Hey, that reminds me of a federal political party here in Canada. No wonder Ignatieff felt at home with the Liberals!)  It has big expenses, and $24 bil isn't going to cover them. In fact, says the magazine:

 While Harvard officials are doing their public-face best to downplay the problem, the numbers don't lie, and this economic crunch will leave the school a profoundly changed place. Harvard will have to become smaller and academically more modest, and as it does it will chafe at having grand plans without the resources to fund them. For the first time in decades, it will worry about merely paying its bills. The university will have to decide: If it is no longer so rich that it doesn't have to make choices, what does it really value? What are its priorities? It won't be a comfortable debate.

"We are in trouble," says one Crimson professor. In the aftermath of deep and damaging cuts, "there is a real chance that Harvard will no longer be considered the best there is."

Uh-oh. If things take a wrong turn in Ottawa, the Liberal leader might have to reconsider Plan B. It's just possible the old school won't be waiting with open arms, or without an open chequebook anyway. Maybe he'll have to stick around Ottawa longer. Maybe he'll have to teach at a Canadian university. Oh, the shame. Hey, maybe that's why he's so eager to make it easier to collect EI.

Kelly McParland
National Post

Could Harvard woes leave Ignatieff looking at EI?

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Could Harvard woes leave Ignatieff looking at EI?

[Source: Home News]

Could Harvard woes leave Ignatieff looking at EI?

[Source: Murder News]

Could Harvard woes leave Ignatieff looking at EI?

[Source: News Station]

Could Harvard woes leave Ignatieff looking at EI?

[Source: The Daily News]

posted by 77767 @ 3:25 PM, ,


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