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Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

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There are plenty of instances of misleading and otherwise bad stats being used by anti-piracy groups, like the recent BSA numbers from Canada that were basically made up. Now, a group from the UK is saying that piracy costs that country's economy tens of billions of pounds. It makes the same mistake as plenty of other studies before it: counting every instance of piracy, or perhaps even just the availability of copyrighted material on file-sharing networks, as a lost sale. It's fallacious to assume that every single person that downloads a piece of content, or simply has access to it for free, would pay for it if the free version wasn't available. Furthermore, any study like this that says an entire economy is being harmed by X amount of money because of piracy is pretty much bogus. This money that's supposedly being lost because of piracy isn't being lost by the economy, as undoubtedly it's being spent elsewhere. It's not being flushed down the toilet or turned into ether, it's just not ending up in content companies' bank accounts.

Carlo Longino is an expert at the Insight Community. To get insight and analysis from Carlo Longino and other experts on challenges your company faces, click here.

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Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Home News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: World News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Mexico News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Channels News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: State News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

posted by 77767 @ 10:44 AM, ,

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

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Don't go into the center, stay away from the center, Michael Barone warns:

I think Republicans today should be less interested in moving toward the center and more interested in running against the center. Here I mean a different "center" -- not a midpoint on an opinion spectrum, but rather the centralized government institutions being created and strengthened every day. This is a center that is taking over functions fulfilled in a decentralized way by private individuals, firms and markets.

Maybe a pun should not be unpacked, but I wonder whether the government-institution center might in time become the opinion center. I've never had a gig writing a textbook, so as far as I know, nobody is writing up the Bush-Obama Bailout for the permanent records as a hugely controversial and unpopular movement. I'd doubt the White House histories of either president or the personal finance works of the future will record it that way either. And I consider all those issues, of race, gender, life, war, private affairs, etc., in which once controversial interventions by activist judges, presumptuous legislatures, callow presidents and others eventually assumed the mantle of Conventional Wisdom.

Now it may be the case that Conventional Wisdom ain't worth what it once was, and I think in general I'd agree. But I've counted up the Republicans and the Democrats with both hands, and it still looks like they're only giving two choices.

So how can they avoid the center? It's like advising the Moon to get away from the Earth.

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Accident News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Cnn News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: La News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Cbs News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Wesh 2 News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

posted by 77767 @ 10:10 AM, ,


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